Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Silos > I was recently in the States (ND) for the first time and I noticed something?

I was recently in the States (ND) for the first time and I noticed something?

On the highways, I noticed over passes pretty much every 2 miles. I'm assuming it has something to do with the military. Also, I saw round marks on the grass and some of those areas were raised. Are those where the missile silos are?


When they built the freeways they cut across farmer's land and divided the property so the farmer couldn't access the land. They should have made an overpass every mile, but too expensive so they compromised. Remember farmequipment only goes about 12 mph. If the green circles were about half mile in diameter it is because they use a circular irrigation distribution system.
I hope there not Missile silos because i took a pis on one. Or it could be that you were passing when i was pisin and you thought it was a nuclear weapon?? LOL
Highways today have more to do with commerce than with the military. As times have changed, so have the reasons why we do some of the things we do- even if we are doing the same things as before. The round marks on the grass were likely not silos but someone's lazy attempt at mowing the lawn.
Uh, no. We don't keep missile silos next to the freaking freeway. They are in heavily guarded facilities in the middle of open fields. Those were probably sewer access holes. The overpasses are based on road patterns and how much road construction funding any particular state's politicians can milk the federal government for. There ARE some areas of the country where freeways built in the 50's and 60's have features that were designed with national defense in mind. Most of these are designed to make it difficult for advancing Soviet tanks. However, we don't worry about that any more.
From what you are talking about it sounds like it may be missiles. We have them spread all across ND. Next time you drive by check and see if there is a fence with a brown sign on it. If it has that then its a silo. Just make sure you dont drive up to the area. It will turn bad....

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