I would like to ask plastic mold insert needle, thimble, barrel, used for what, thank you
The plastic mould insert pin is inserted into the die core, which can be used to exhaust the air or make the die better processed. Depending on the shape of the needle, it can be divided into flat pin, straight pin, stepped pin and so on. The needle is usually made of SKD61 or SKH51.The ejector pin is used as part of the ejection mechanism to eject the product.The cylinder is the name of Guangdong area. It is called "casing" in Zhejiang and Zhejiang dynasties. Its function is to draw out long and thin screws, circular products and cylindrical products.
The needle is mounted on the top of the mold to remove the mold or to make it easier for the mold to be processed.Thimble - after the product is ready, it needs to be pushed out of the mold. These pins are the thimble.Cone - for some slender and long thimble, for which the needles are not easily broken, put a coarse coat needle on the needle.