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Ice machine fault: ice machine automatically stopped when you make ice

Ice machine fault: ice machine automatically stopped when you make ice


Maintenance method: the multimeter is used to measure the temperature of the resistance probe (the water temperature in the water tank near 0 degrees C, remove the control box of the three core lines, two lines on both sides of the resistance test), such as resistance in more than 27K, it was judged as controller bad, should be replaced, such as resistance of less than 27K and shall disconnect any two lines in a way, through the series resistance of the resistance to 27K to 28K.
The ice making mechanism stops for a while, and there may be a sensor problem that detects ice fill. The indicator may be the cause of the sensor.
Is it out of electricity? Or if the voltage is too high, the high voltage switch will turn off automatically. You can check it first. I hope I can help you

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