This is a legitamte question and I am not hating on Kobe, I am just asking you, the public, if you think D-Wade could of pulled the Lakers over the Celtics as opposed to Kobe if you put him in that position? I know D-Wade was injured the last couple seasons, but when he was healthy like during the 2006 Finals, I think he could have carried the lakers to the championship. What do you think?
I think a healthy D.Wade would put more pressure on the Celtics defense, but I still don't think a healthy D.Wade would have help the Lakers beat the Celtics. But a healthy D.Wade compared to Kobe in the 2008 NBA Finals he would have had a better NBA Finals than Kobe Bryant. Good Luck
In My Opinion Boston Is A Good Defensive Squad But That's Not What Gave Them The Edge It's Their Offense It's Just Hard To Shut Off The Big Three All Together At Some Point One Is Going To Brake Out And Eventually Frees Up The Other Before You Know It You Have A Celtics Team Playing Target Practice With Your Squad Wade Has Impressed Me From His College Play Until Now But It Would Be Hard For Him Even With That L.A. Squad To Beat Boston What I'm More Curious About Is If Boston Will Still Be Hungry Enough To Go All The Way Again Seeing They Finally Got One Wish You And The Heats All The Best Next Seasons But I'm A T-Mac Fan So If Rockets And Miami Make It To The Finals That Makes Us Rival Fans For At Least 4 Game
Another Heat fan who cannot acknowledge the fact that the refs helped your wannabe Jordan and the Heat. You know Stern didn't want that series to go to 7 games because Dirk is 4-0 in all the game 7 he has been a part of in his career. You think Stern didn't know that? Did you even watch the 2006 finals, or are you just looking at stats of a series you did not even watch. Go type phantom calls on youtube jaggoff and that is all the proof that is needed. KING is a phucking idiot, your going to agree with someone who lives to hate kobe, ofcourse he is going to agree with you, your both IDIOTS! I'll admit that Dirk blew game 3 for us, and practically let the Heat win game 4, but you can't deny the worst officiated finals game in game 5.
It was Boston's destiny to win in 2008. All the pieces seemed to fall into place, First Ray Allen, trigerring the big trade that got Boston KG in it's fold. Got great bench additions also that off-season with Posey, House and others. Then came PJ Brown then Sam Cassell. With such a good team there is no doubt they were hoisted up there in the Finals, even with a healthy Wade instead of Kobe in there I think destiny would never be denied. Hope this helps.
I think Boston would of won reguardless, they were just clicking on all cylinders in the finals. The Lakers as a whole, didn't play quality team defense. Game 4, Lakers had a 24 point lead for most of the 3rd quarter. Couldn't play good enough defense to close out and lost the game. Game 6: Celtics scored 139 points, again lack of defense. D-Wade, might of been a better scorer, but he couldn't guard all 5 positions on defense.