Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Bulldozers > if anyone ruin your house with bulldozer would you kill him?

if anyone ruin your house with bulldozer would you kill him?

if anyone ruin your house with bulldozer would you kill him?


No. I'd have him arrested, and then call the homeowner's insurance agent, and get a new house.
You see, In America this would not be allowed. If it were to happen we have many safeguards in place to protect our rights. If someone were to do this and my family were inside, yes, I would.
No. I have replacement value home owners insurance. If someone bulldozed my home I would just build another one. It would be to my specs, and I wouldn't be doing all the renovations that I am doing today.... An idea has just struck.......
Ppl in the middle East get there houses bulldozed all the time and that made them mad enough to kill
may be not i will only pluck his eyes out break his hands and cut his legs put some burning coal on his mouth and let it be. afetr all forgiving someone is best you can do for humanity.

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