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If I ordered goods online at a cheap price because the retailer made a mistake, do they have to send me it?

I bought some electrical equipment at a cheap price but it was due to a discount error.I placed the order and recieved the confirmation.Can they refuse to send my the products or change the price?Your help is much appriciated.


After the confirmation the retailer has no right to refuse the sale, however if he did not confirm the order he could have excused himself for the mistake and make the necessary changes.
yes they can refuse and refund the money telling it was due to some unavoidable software failure
No, they have a right to refuse the sale because of clerical errors. I have seen this personally many times in personal experience. Usually companies don't change the price on you though; they will usually just cancel the order.
No, they do not have to send it. If it isn't Wal-Mart, with some low price guarantee, the retailer is not going to stick by a mistake in price. And they shouldn't have to. I mean, it's not like they were trying to cheat you by saying it was a lower price and then jacking it up. There was an honest mistake and shame on you if you try to hold them to it. Where I work (a touring company) a new girl accidentally gave a client the wrong price. It was so low, we would have lost money. Of course, I e-mailed the client to explain the problem and gave them the correct price. They blew up at me, and thought I was trying to cheat them. They thought we should stick to the low price, even though it was a mistake. Well, we then canceled their order-we can't lose money on touring someone around. We wouldn't stay in business. Edit: So, it actually sounds like you ARE trying to take advantage of this situation. They haven't notified you of the problem-you already knew it. You sound like you don't have much in the way of ethics. No, if you receive the items, they will not demand that you return them. You will just earn a lot of bad karma. What you are doing is unethical and (in some places) illegal.
Depends on what you mean by discount error If you used a promo code that is not supposed to be valid on the item you purchased, then NO, he does not have to honor your order just because the system accepted it. On the other hand, if he has the item listed incorrectly (ie, $10 instead of $100) than yes, he should have honor it. Make sure to look for anything on the website that says something along the lines of prices subject to change which could be used as a loophole. Either way though, he may not charge you more without your permission. In Califonia, if an item in a store is marked a certain price, it is actually illegal for the store to try to charge you more when you attempt to purchase the item. However, based on the fact that you may not even be in the same state as the store, things get a little murky. The best answer is simply to cross your fingers, as the internet is really a grey area. UPDATE: In follow-up, no they absolutely cannot demand that you send it back after you've receieved it. Nor can they try to charge you more afterwards. If it gets shipped, then it's yours to keep!

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