If anything travels at the speed of light, it would travel infinitely into the future instantaneously according to Einstein's theory of special relativity, as one cannot exceed this velocity.Well light travels at light speed, or at least our senses and measuring tools designed based on our logical input reveal that light travels at light speed.So does this mean all visible light is the same age it was when it was first created in the universe? Because time slows to nill for objects that are at the speed of light and light is?
Title question... We cannot know what time sense light has. We cannot apply the Lorentz transforms to anything moving at c, and there are no reference frames moving at c. First statement... Nothing can travel at the speed of light, that has mass, and experiences time. Second question... We cannot tell how old light is. If we were God-like and traveled with light, it would be a stationary EM field. It does respond to polarizers, gravitational wells and such, not infinitely but proportionately. So it does not make sense to assume they are timeless. Third question... Light is not an object, it has no mass, no reference frame. Virtual photons travel all possible speeds and follow all possible paths, with no c limitation (except on average). This is an old question, and the laws of physics for massive objects *does not apply* to light. So you will find no satisfactory answer to your question.
Pretty much...light is ageless. The entire universe contracts to lengthless size from its perspective.
Relativity is all about frames of reference. In our frame of reference, light has a large but finite speed, and, in a sense, an age. In our frame of reference, for example, light from the most distant galaxies is about 13.5 billion years old. However, photons do not undergo any 'process', any change at all over time. And so in that sense you could say they are ageless, but not timeless.
Time is relative. Age relative to what?