Or would he turn to Riker for comfort?
If he was smart he'd seek out Deanna for comfort ;)
ewwww ewwwww ewwwww !!! i cant imagine it !! that is just such a scary picture !!! bald headed kids !! OMG !!!! and im sure wesley would just toss himself into the nearest transporter and transport to somewhere else !! who knows ?
He's too busy partying at Starfleet Academy to care...
I think they were both too old to have children together. More like Beverly would be a grandmother and Riker a God-Father.
Yes, after the kids start shaking him down for his Starfleet Academy lunch money and begin making fun of his Jimmy Neutron swirly-do. Riker would be patient at first, but then start dangling Wesley by his ankles over an open shuttle bay until he chins up to his situation.