Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Crusher > If someone built a metal box crusher machine in a state prison, could it become another method of execution?

If someone built a metal box crusher machine in a state prison, could it become another method of execution?

The executioners would just have to lock the inmate inside the machine and then turn it on and it would smash the inmate, thus carrying out the execution.These machines are available at your local grocery store and they can be hauled to prison buildings.


I dont know why they dont do firing lines anymore. All it costs is no more in man hours, and about $1 dollar for the amount of ammunition fired. Compare that to the gas chamber! I would prefer to go out by being shot if I had to choose.
I'm sorry, but what is a metal box crusher machine? I've honestly never heard of one. But if I had to die in prison, I would rather have something injected into my veins, instead of having my bones being crushed. Who knows, maybe they could donate my body to medical research.
There's a Constitutional problem with that, the Eighth Amendment bans cruel and unusual punishment. Being crushed In a metal box seems both.

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