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If spontanious combustion is real?

How come there's never been a case of a baby or animal spontaniously combusting?just wondering.x


Spontaneous Combustion is real but not with babies and stuff like that COME ON! !
Nope, it's due to the fact that the human body burns in a strange way if it is set on fire. It does so at low temperature, but fats liquefy and feed the fire using the wick effect, leading to some really strange burn patterns. There is always some external source of ignition, though. Also, in all cases of supposed spontaneous combustion, the victim has had some sort of condition that prevented them from getting up and trying to put the fire out (i.e. they're either completely passed out, or already dead). The strange cases have just been blown out of proportion and have been exaggerated into urban legends.
It ISN'T.....except in grain silos....piles of greasy rags. NOTHING alive can/will. Humans ***ARE*** animals.

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