I had to break the glass use one once to help put out a car engine that was on fire in front of the building.
Original Cast: My favorite was Spock. I love the way he made his culture unique. My least favorite was Scottie. I thought they made his character two dimensional. Next Generation: My absolute favorite is/was Patrick Stewart. [sigh] Love 'ol baldy, especially his voice. My least favorite is also Dr. Crusher. Whomever wrote for this character made her too snooty. ∞
An Eggbutt French link they are amazing and are much softer in a horses mouth then a snaffle and reduce the chances that your horse will become hard mouthed. Also It allows more leverage than rubber bits. The eggbutt works fine for XC and jumping as well as low level dressage though typically loose rings are used in dressage because it makes the horse hold the bit and salivate more.
I had no least favorite characters in any of the series. I did however have least favorite episodes. I got a kick out of 'Q' at first but after a whilebig deal! Then the son-of-a-gun turned up on Voyager. sheesh! I always thought Beverly Crusher and Picard had a secret thing going and that genius Wesley could have been their secret love child. That would explain half of the irritating behavior and all of the weird looks between the characters.