If your house was on fire, what would be the 1 thing you would bring with you????
no but i should!!! i live in a mobile home and it only takes one of them suckers about 14 minutes to burn to the ground, and i forgot to pay my homeowners so I'm in a bad spot right now!
Some people call warehouses factories so hmm. Yeah you need fluro. Either a fluro shirt or jumper is the norm, some companies provide them for you, some will make you buy your own. Some companies however will let you wear any old shirt just as long as you throw a fluro vest over the top. Hell in the summer we used to take the shirts off and just have vests, not sure how safe that is but in the sweltering Melbourne heat we didn't have much choice. Uhh since you mention requirements, you also need steel capped shoes. Nearly every company won't let you work without them and send you home until you get some.
Gentiles in each others feces is okay but use rubber sheets just in case Jesus comes.