Im installing smoke detectors. I know they need 3 wires in between them, but do I need a red wire from the box
The roads are usually kept pretty clear - but do make sure you have chains and good antifreeze, and that you have emergency gear with you in case you are stopped for any reason.
You still have to get on the alcan highway, which will require a dip south. Let the computer decide the best route, far northern maps are distorted by stretching in order to get a round object on a flat map.
Gravity is one of two natural forces, the other being energy. Read my web site (below) where energy and gravity are defined and their contribution to this universe is explained. It will take you 20 minutes to read and is written in plain English so can be understood by anyone. Your comments or questions will be welcome if you use the feedback facility.
canada is very safe area you shouldn't be afraid the landscape is marveling and can't be replaced but however, it is very long drive, maybe four days