In general, the price of crude oil is how many dollars a barrel, then how much is a barrel?
1 barrels (BBL) =42 gallons (US) or =159 (L) = 0.159 cubic meters (M3)One ton (T) = 7.35 barrels (BBL) (global average) = 1174 liters1 barrels (BBL) =0.137 tons (T) = 137 kg (kg) (global average)
Conversion method of oil volume and weight unit:A ton of oil equivalent barrels =1/p * 6.29 barrels (oil) (P for crude oil density)The 6.29 divided by the density (P) is to find the equivalent of 1 tons of oil equivalent to the number of barrels of oil formula. The size of the conversion factor and the size of the oil density, and reciprocal relationship, such as: Daqing crude oil density of 0.8602, the victory of the crude oil density of 101 oil depots, can be divided into 0.9082:Conversion coefficient of Daqing crude oil =6.29/0.8602=7.31, conversion coefficient of Shengli crude oil =6.29/0.9082=6.93The same is true for petroleum products. If the density of some kind of gasoline is 0.739, the result of calculation is: 1 tons of gasoline is equal to 8.51 barrels; the density of some kind of diesel oil is about 0.86, and the result is equal to 1 barrels of diesel oil, which is equal to 7.31 barrels.
The proportion of crude oil from 0.8 to 1 kg / liter, so the weight of a barrel of oil is not the same.1 liters (L) =0.246 gallon (Gal).1 kg =0.3055 gallon (US) /0.2545 gallons (UK)