In my college History class, why did we learn about Muhammad, but not Jesus?
Because your college probably assumed you already learned everything you needed to know about Jesus before college while the topic of Muhammad probably did not come up as much. Also, having lived 700 years after Jesus, there's a richer historical record of the existence of Muhammad.
Which College history class are you taking? Beside, I suppose they work under the assumption that you are a Christian or already know enough about Jesus, or that putting his religion in a political and social perspective of the period would lead to protest and all that, thus far too much trouble, and that teaching that Mahomet was just a product of his time would be much easier, and less risky, especially if there aren't very many Mahometans in America.
Well, I can tell you got a lot of answers from the anti-God liberals, by all the thumbs down on all the intelligent answers give. Why can muslim pray out load in public, hell they even shut down whole streets in New York to pray, but Christians can't do that? This muslim President and his goons we have is trying to kill Christianity here in the US. Why else would he falsely claim that the US was not a Christian country? @ m27fisco. Glad to see you say that, the President of the US doesn't know that the US is a predominately Christian country, in fact he claims the US is not a Christian country.
Because of this belief that mentioning Jesus is forcing religious beliefs on people. I had a professor in college that discussed the groups that could have possibly been the Hebrews that went from Egypt and settled in Canaan (Israel). He also talked about the 12 tribes. Four kids openly complained about it and said that they were going to report him to the head of the history department. The thing was, the professor in question WAS the head of the department. He's one of the reasons I'm in the Archeology field today. He wrote a piece on how religion could open up the mysteries of the world. He also believes in the Ark of the Covenant and has this conspiracy theory that Muslims are keeping it hidden from Jews and Christians because it would prove that Islam is a phony religion. Sorry for the rant. To answer the question, it depends on the school and the professor.
History of Islam. Read your syllabus. EDIT: Seriously though, there's more evidence that Muhammad existed. There isn't one shred of credible evidence for Jesus. Now, read that carefully: I'm not saying any of the supernatural stuff is true, just that a guy most likely named Muhammad started preaching some imaginary god's words and spread his beliefs. There are actual, historical records backing-up Mo, none for Jesus. As far as true, physical, world history is concerned, it'd be a waste of time to worry about the j-man. Don't worry, no one has still proven that gods exist.