This scene was when Meg, Jo and young Amy was walking to school/work. Amy trips and drops her chalkboard into the snow. She says, quot; I'm so degradetated, I owe at least a dozen limes.quot; Meg replies, quot; Are limes the fashion now?quot; After the teacher strikes Amy in a later scene, Amy says, quot;He threw the limes out into the snow.quot; What are the limes they are talking about? The fruit? Please explain what the are and why are they trading them at school?
hahaha, i love how first answer thinks you mean lime green highlights. I don't think it will work, why not just buy some lemons next time you go grocery shopping- not too hard.
lime green? That wouldnt natural because it is an abnormal color for hair. Sorry but ive seen people with it, and they look like they've been swimming in the pool all summer without washin their hair
im not sure if even a lemon works. you probably have to sit in the sun for a long time and it has to be BRIGHT. maybe a lime would make your hair kind of greenish haha...even if it would work. maybe try it. or just buy a lemon at the store next time. good luck! :) hope it works
She doesn't mean lime green highlights, idiot. I'm not sure if you can get the same effects as you do with a lemon. They're both citrus fruits, so it should work. There's only one way to find out though...