I'm off to get an industrial/scaffolding piercing tomorrow and what I wanna know is, I already have an existing helix piercing on my left ear, could that be used as one of the holes, or would I have to have it done on my right hear, that has no helix piercing?
I had my scaffold done when i was like 15 but had to take it out cus it wouldn't heal properly but that's because the piercer messed it up big time it should take on average about 2-3 months to fully heal but it completely depends on how fast your body heals in general! I have all my ears pierced and stretched my nose and my snake bites pierced as well, the scaffold hurt more then the snake bites defo but was around the same as the nose maybe a 1% more sore! The best way to describe it would be like getting your nose done twice in under 3 mins! It'll be sore to sleep on afterwards and i would defo clean it cus the last thing you want is it to get infected cus it'll just become more painful but apart from those obvious things its super cool and well worth getting it done! :)
you can use the same hole if it is in a suitable position