hey so we all know that the new amd bulldozer came out and its sexy so is intel coming out with a series to put amd down the drain with a 8-core 4.5 ghz prosseser
I have personally held a 10-core socket 15xx-something Zeon CPU in my hand. The question is when will intel market a consumer CPU with that many cores... (Ignoring the question of should? and jumping right to Can?) And will anyone actually WRITE SOFTWARE that utilizes that many cores? AD
Okay AMD will never top Intel. they just caught up congratz. Intel is already working on something better . like always. AMD is a huge failure. Intel of course will come out with something better.
8 core gaming processors? You're a flaming idiot. There isn't a game on the market that will make use of 8 cores. Most won't even use four. It's not even a true 8 core processor as pairs of cores share certain parts. AMD just flopped this turd onto the market. The performance per core is actually WORSE than the friggin' Phenom II!
...or is amd going to lead the gameing prossesers AMD isn't leading anything. Apparently you haven't been paying attention to the epic failure that is Bulldozer; the benchmarks speak for themselves. Barely faster than Phenom II in anything, and can't even exceed the 2500K. Abysmal performance. As far as Intel releasing octo-core processors, they will debut next year on the 'Sandy Bridge-E' socket 2011 / X79 platform.
speculation check out the benchmarks. the bulldozer is the AMD FX-8150. compare it to the i7-2600k. AMD is shooting straight for the server market with the bulldozer. any leaks about what intel is doing should stay at intel. any leaks about what amd is doing should stay at amd. as one person stated, nda.