What would be a better knife one with damascus steel or one without? Why is damascus steel so special other than the look? And why do some people say high carbon steel is better than regular? mainly though I want to know about the damascus. Thanks, max points to best answer.
It all depends on the steel. There are as many types of Damascus as you want to imagine. The old Damascus swords brought back by the Crusaders were far superior to the blades made in Europe at that time, but they probably wouldn't match up to modern steel in performance. Alas, it has been lost to history as to how they were made. Back to modern times. Damascus can be homogeneous steel with the pattern hammered in (hammered steel) or layered (pattern welded) or any number of variations. I make many blades out of crane cable, the pattern is nice and the strength is superior to all others. Layered damascus, done correctly, can have what is called the Damascus cutting effect (DCE). These knives are rare and expensive. The best layered blades are made of high carbon steels of various alloy content. I just recently finished a low count blade made of L-6 and a file (W-1), these offer exceptional edge holding. Factory blades are often not worth buying unless you like pretty knives. I personally make mine to be used. I could write a book on the subject, but others already have. In the end a knife is as only as good as the heat treating, good steel with a bad heat treat will not perform as well as lower quality steel done properly.
This Site Might Help You. RE: Is a knife with damascus steel better than one with regular steel? or what about high carbon? What would be a better knife one with damascus steel or one without? Why is damascus steel so special other than the look? And why do some people say high carbon steel is better than regular? mainly though I want to know about the damascus. Thanks, max points to best answer.
Damascus steel was a great steel in it's time. Because it was one of the few ways to make good steel from iron. But today there are much better steels available. Damascus steel was a very labor intensive process, a single knife would cost many thousands of dollars today. The Damascus steel knives are not actually Damascus steel, the pattern is etched on or engraved on. In fact the Damascus steel knives I saw reviewed on Consumer Reports are ceramic blades, not even steel at all. Bottom line, any Damascus steel knives are just a pattern on standard steel, no different from the others. It's a marketing gimmick.