I got a citation back in December for stopping along side a red curb. Well I went back to take pictures, two things that brought my attention is that the red curb isen't a curb its a red painted line, and there are no signs anywhere that indicated that, or indicate no stopping or parking. Would this be a good defense? To tell you the truth I had no idea I was stopped at a red curb, it was in a parking lot and was picking someone up, and I stopped briefly to pick that student up, along side that so called red curb.
osama bin laden is known for organizing attacks years before 911, some killing hundreds, they are just all forgotten
No, he'll offer them more of the money of other tax payers and more government largesse, because American Indians can vote in American elections, and the Queen of England can't, silly! ACORN will handle the distribution of free trinkets, tobacco and firewater, but not until the next election.
try cleaning it with vinegar