Is agricultural lime the same as the lime you mix with concrete?
Lemons and limes are different kinds of citrus fruits. A lime is not a lemon and a lemon is not a lime. A green lemon is just an unripened lemon.
You can use the lime or the lemon or even oranges and grapefruits for that matter on your acne. It is the citric acid that you need there. They are all citrus fruits.
Lemons look much different than the large, thick-skinned, elliptical yellow fruits that you see in U.S. grocery stores. They are generally small, round, thin-skinned, and almost never have seeds. Actually, after awhile I began to wonder if I had just forgotten the difference between the taste of lemon and lime and wasn't even sure what I was using anymore. We asked at every vivero (plant nursery) if they had limas (limes). Most didn't even know what we were talking about. So for awhile I resigned myself to living the rest of my life with only lemons. Then I read that Key limes (Citrus aurantifolia) come true from seed, unlike most citrus plants. I mentioned thus to an internet friend in Iowa, who asked a friend of hers in Florida if she could send me some seeds. She very kindly did, but the seeds were crushed by the postal machines along with my hope of having limes at some point in my future.
Lemon is alot more sour than lime. I actually think lime tastes pretty bad, it has like a ginger flavor to it. And I would'nt try lime on your acne scars
The taste differs. I like lime or lemon juice on my chicken. Just depends on you much of an acidic taste you like. =] And I'm sorry, I dont know the answer to your second question