can aluminum wiring catch on fire
Aluminum oxide is a real problem with smaller diameter wires. Numbers 12 thru 16 AWG (American Wire Gauge). Copper oxide is a better conductor of electricity than the copper wire. Not so with aluminum oxide (a white powder) this causes resistance where the aluminum wire is exposed to air or moisture. As the resistance becomes higher and higher in the exposed connections the more the wire heats up and expands, then when it cools back to the original size the connection becomes loose. There is no good solution to this problem. I suggest that you have your home rewired if you plan to stay there. If your renting find another home soon. Aluminum wire has been outlawed for many,many years now, the only instance I saw of it was in a trailer home. The disabled lady who unfortunately lived there was terrified of ANOTHER FIRE starting soon. SO...Be Wise...Be Safe...John
If you are referring to the larger aluminum wiring that is commonly found in service entrance wiring, circuits for electric ranges and such, then yes, it is safe and allowed by National Electrical Code. Please note that some jurisdictions do not accept that and do not allow any aluminum wiring. If you are referring to the smaller wires for branch circuits (regular wiring a.k.a. Romex), then you really need to be careful. This wire has been outlawed by the NEC for quite some time. Too many houses burned down because of it (my uncle's is one of them). If you have it, please have a licensed electrician inspect it soon. I cannot tell you if it is 'safe' or not in this forum. You should be looking at having it replaced.
You got lots of good answers but I like Lic. Electricians best. If you are in an older Mobile home where all the wiring is aluminum be very, very careful about over loading receptacles. Aluminium wire was outlawed for use in branch circuits (receptacles, lights) because there were many documented fires as a result of its use. If you are concerned about aluminum wire to the panel or major appliances, have someone check/tighten the connections.
The wire does not burn, rather it causes arcs in the connections that then start a fire in the insulation around the wiring. If at all in doubt about the wiring have a qualified professional electrician do an inspection of the panel and the wiring.
It can be, but you have to be careful when ever you replace an outlet or switch that you get the one that is special for aluminum wiring, other wise it can be a fire hazard. It is no longer allowed by code for new homes, but existing homes are safe as long as you understand the limitations.