Who is truly the biggest person in real estate?
The Pope. So what if you don't own it. If you have the use of it -- it is yours.
Nope a fellow named Donald Bren is. But remember it is wiser to be a king maker than a king.
Not by a long shot. I'm told, by people that should know, that there are other people in NYC that are extraordinarily wealthy. They aren't on the Fortune 500 list, and we don't (as the public) know who they are, but they are wealthier than the individuals on the Fortune 500. Actually, Trump appears pretty far down on the Fortune list. He's only worth a few billion.
Lady Liberty is the biggest person in real estate.
This may sound like a trick answer, some of the biggest entities in real estate and therefore the organisations shaping the economies of our countries are thos that you would think of in contect of completely different industries. For Example Mac Donalds Restaurants, are one of the largest real estate holding entities in North America (and the world) The Large Railways, own and control masses amounts of real estate. So when you look at pure wealth and real estate asset value there are many many entities that are much bigger than Donald Trump, but there are few that are so good at marketing himself and able to find an opportunity in just about anything. thare are also many pension funds and large real estate holding companies that are controlled by family trusts, like the Rothchild's, the Kennedy's to name 2. that control amazing amounts of real estate. Then there are those that have converted their amazing wealth into real estate holdings, like many of the Oil rich conglomerates, So to answer who is the biggest, to be honest, I think that we will never really know, because who ever or what ever the name of the compay might be, would not want it to become public knowledge. But interesting question, to dream about.