I know Ethernet cable is much more susceptible to electromagnetic interference than fiber optic cable, but is fiber completely immune to it? I want to wrap a fiber optic cable around a 230 volt power line going through my attic for about 150 feet. Will this cause problems?
Nope my Cable went out sometime between 10:00 and midday in the present day. they're sending a Tech out the following day. I already know what surpassed off. The citizens around the corridor from me moved out and had their cable became off, The goobers became off my cable as a replace as our addresses are one variety off from one yet another. My tackle leads to eight my friends leads to 9.
Hi There, The 220 volt AV power cable will not cause any interference but it is not a good idea. The fiberoptic cable should be ran separate. It is a little more work but the right way to route the cable. You have to be very careful not to exceed the bend radius and wrapping around an existinf power wire might cause a problem. =====this is from the link below======= Do not install a fiber optic cable in a conduit or duct that already contains cabling, regardless of the cable type. Existing or new empty ductwork can be modified to accept several different installations by the placement of innerduct within it. ======================================... Hope this helps, Al