Is ignoring a person the biggest ego-crusher?
ignoring a wrong person is good`
The opposite of love is not hate; it is disinterest.
No honey, but making them wear only a diaper in public would do it! Have fun!
If I'm going to ignore somebody, it is for my benefit, and no longer has anything to do with them. If people pull you down, lie to you, or do anything to hurt you it is best to forget they ever existed, so you can move on with your life without the drama.
I find it more insulting than anything. If someone feels that I am so unimportant that I cannot be graced with even acknowledgment or a response, I take that as a personal affront and proof of their arrogance and sense of superiority over me. I mean, it's like, who the hell are they to dictate whether or not we speak or communicate? I can't stand not having at least SOME iota of control over situations. Being ignored by someone takes any power you could have away, and gives 100% of it to the person ignoring you.