I just got my transmission fluid drained and refilled. I wanted to put some Lucas transmission Fix in afterwards but the mechanic put another kind in already. Can I still put Lucas in?
you can save some fuel, as you will be riding your bike in idle condition.
honestly i cant say that it will ruin the trans i just wonder about you overfilling it thats a recipe for disaster overfilling is more harmful than the fluid level being low, actually i would be more concerned with the level and overfilling it
that is in no way a good theory to overfill any of the vehicle's fluids. suitable guess might want to be to loosen the transmission pan really and allow some fluid drain out. Retighten the pan, then upload the Lucas restore FIRST. then fill something else of ways with the suited transmission fluid. *TIP- in case you not sleep north like I do, enable the bottle of Lucus sit down over the sprint vent and warmth up, otherwise it takes a lengthy time period to pour as a results of that is thickness. wish this restore works
Generally, using car products that uses the words Fix, Mystery Repair, etc. won't work AND may actually cause more damage. In the case of transmission, it can cost you over $2000 to have it Rebuilt. So if you do have problems, AND several transmission shop says your transmission needs Rebuilding, then I would try the Transmission Fix additive. Answer to your question: It is ok to mix additives together, as long as you do not over fill the transmission. Same about Engine oil. Note: Better than 99% of Car Repair Transmission shops do not know how to really fix Transmission. Their Solution is to tell you, your transmission needs to rebuilt or replaced with a brand new one! Very Expensive! $2000 to $5000 ! IF you decide to have it Rebuilt, know that it may not even fix the problem ! Get a Warranty of, at least, 5 years on Parts Labor. If they won't give you that kind of warranty, then THEY have no confident in their work. Either buy a new one, get a used one from the salvage yard ( a bit risky but cheap), or get another vehicle.