Is it a pushcart or a car?
When pulling a car, the force of the direction points upward, creating two forces. One goes forward to overcome resistance; The other vertical, which reduces the pressure on the ground, reduces drag. Therefore, when pulling a car, the resistance that needs to overcome is small, also the province force
Pulling a cart is more efficient than pushing a cart Wheelbarrows, easy to use, can be pushed and pulled. Push and pull force direction is same as the Angle of horizontal line, is it a pushcart or pull a car? The force is not so easy, it depends on the resistance of the wheel
Pulling a cart is more efficient than pushing a cart Wheelbarrows, easy to use, can be pushed and pulled. Push and pull force direction is same as the Angle of horizontal line, is it a pushcart or pull a car? The force is not so easy, it depends on the resistance of the wheel