My father is a retired Air Force Air Traffic Controller and is still working in Okinawa as a Civilian on SOFA status (GS-12).I was wondering would it be possible for me to get a SOFA too??I had SOFA status before but I came to the US to attend a vocational school. Is it possible for me to get a SOFA again? I am 23yrs old. I do not have a BA or BS. Just a GED. If I can't obtain a SOFA would a Dependent Visa be possible to get?
Go to the top of this page.See where it says Y Search, type in how to get SOFA status in Japan,and you'll get your answer.If your father is already there, why can't he help you ?
You can stay in Japan only if you are under 21 with your father SOFA status holder. Dependent visa is for someone whose parents have working visa in Japan and again, under 21. If you are 23, you can't get any Japanese visa as dependent. You have to get your own working or other visa. Addition: If you are 21 or older, you have to be dependent on your father to live in Japan. Meaning that more than a half of your income comes from your father. Are you in that condition? If so, you can live in Japan. But again, you can't work even if you moved to Japan with this rule. What are you going to do in Japan?