I wrap everything with aluminum foil and bake it in the oven -- fish, meat, vegetables. Is this really safe? Or safe when done occasionally? Or should I find a new way?
I use aluminium foil often for baking however I use baking paper between the food and the foil. I am sure it is safe to use foil, however I find that on occasions the foil sticks to the food, so I use the non stick paper between. I hope this helps.
Perfectly safe. I think you must be referring to the great aluminum pots and pans debacle Whereupon, several researchers found trace amounts of aluminum in the brains of dead alzheimer patients so, ergo, ipso, facto, aluminum causes alzheimers and everyone tossed their aluminum cookware. It was subsequently found to be the testing lab, who was finding the trace amounts of aluminum in the brain tissue, that was responsible for tainting their own equipment with trace aluminum, thus, they were finding it in EVERYTHING they tested. I still think it was the aluminum cookware industries way of getting us all to buy new pans LOL.
Perfectly safe to use aluminum foil in the oven..........NOT so much in the microwave, lol. :)