They look exactly the same, so I was wondering, are they the same?
if you look at the keyboard you will notice that the M is right below the K, i expect he meant like
If you bury a body in lime (more accurately quicklime or Calcium Oxide) it will destroy the body. Flung into an opponent’s eyes it will blind them. I think the misspelling idea is probably the correct interpretation.
Maybe transfer question to Wordplay. In 60 years of using English in Britain I have not heard of 'liming' in any context.
Rosey, I just cannot believe that John P has actually used English in Britain for sixty years and does not know this one. If he truly has lived in Britain for sixty years he cannot be too smart because this is well known to anyone literate and with a good knowledge of history, and is used in Shakespeare as well! Liming was originally a cruel way of catching birds by smearing a glue with lime in it on tree branches, which made their feet get stuck fast. It came to mean catching someone, usually with a trap of some sort, as a metaphor for this means of capturing birds. So literate, intellectual Britons use it to mean catching someone. It simply means How can I get my Father to catch my Brother?