Is quartz stone window sill harmful to people's health?
Green Quartz by plate or fragmented chlorite, sometimes may be green needle like actinolite; Aventurine quartzite (Aventurine) - containing internal green or red brown mica flakes, also known as Aventurine Aventurine, commonly known as. Common smoky black to dark brown smoky crystals; mostly these rocks contain a large amount of radioactive uranium and thorium.
In common with quartz inclusions (Hair: crystal) - crystal is mainly rutile; grass into the main crystal - tourmaline; liquid inclusions in quartz crystal with water; green light blue quartz containing rutile needles; milk quartz by fine water pollution caused by the hole shape;
Artificial stone do better, if it is too wide, windows and many manufacturers of quartz stone are small, it should be mosaic, mosaic effect of quartz stone will be a lot worse.