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Is smoke from copper/bronze harmful?

Where I work, we are exposed to flame hitting copper. is this harmful? do the vapors do damage to oneself? It's like taking a lighter to copper piping. Thanks!


Yes. Manage for proper ventilation.
Yes, they may cause asbestosis(a disease marked by painful swelling and chest pain).
Smoke is not harmful, unless you are within reach.
usually this does not produce smoke but if it does then it depends how much smoke there is and how much you are breathing in...if you are breathing in a lot of smoke then it CAN be dangerous but not like 'go to the emergency room' dangerous.it can be harmful to oneself if you breathe it in all the time but it usually isn't serious.
Just heating copper of copper alloys (like brass or bronze) in a flame usually does not produce smoke. Copper has been used for centuries for kettles, vats and pots and more recently in copper clad-steel cookware. Copper pipes are usually soldered together at fittings used at the joints. It is not the copper being heated but the vaporization of some of the lead in the solder of the flux compound which might be harmful. If you are seeing smoke from heating copper or bronze, this is probably due to a coating or contamination on the metal. If it is just a protective lacquer, there is probably no harm. If you have any symptoms of smoke inhalation (see sites below), get medical help.

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