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Is steel case ammo bad for handguns like a CZ 75 or Glock?

I know they run fine in ex Soviet weapons since they were built for it like AKs and SKSs and stuffButhow about durable non soviet arms? I hear they're bad for AR-15s.


It will prolong the process
You'd probably want a chrome lined barrel if you plan to use a good bit of it in an ARFor the handguns if your looking for cheap ammo there is also aluminum cased ammo which wouldn't be as harsh on the barrelSome steel case ammo wouldn't be a problem but I wouldn't use alot of it since there is fairly cheap brass case ammo that both of those guns will run perfectly fineMy CZ 75 Compact was brand new out of the box when I tried Federal aluminum case ammoIt cycled it fairly well, had one failure to feel out of 50 rounds but all the springs were new, it was 115 grain ammo and it's a fairly cool loadBrass ejected further but if your gun cycles it, your grouping are good and you don't reload there is no reason not to use aluminum case ammo.

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