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Is the tablet full of charge before charging?

Is the tablet full of charge before charging?


No, after the full power, the computer will stop the current input, but the battery has been charged, it is not good for the flat panel batteries, it is not recommended
No, if it's an original chargerBut it can damage the battery life
There are protective circuits in the plate. When the charge reaches a certain voltage, it will stop.
Generally do not charge explosion, because the battery with protection function, when the battery is fully charged, the power supply voltage will be the same size as reducing battery voltage, battery and power at the same time to the next computer power supply, at this time the battery does not change, even if there is a change would be negligible.Tablet computers need attention:1, charger and socket plug, there is no contact or virtual connection, which will lead to fever heating, burning, and even damaged flat.2, when the battery is not full, do not arbitrarily dial the charger, so that the battery is not good, affecting the battery life.

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