if a neighbor girl is up in a tree that overlooks my back yard bordering her back yard and she is watching adults in my back yard who are socializing and i ask her to get down and she says you can't make me and i spray her with a hose, is that considered assault like the local police department said.??? only serious answers please!!!!
Speed bumps can't be used on an ADA accessible route. Speed humps could be, but it would be better to just use them in the roadway, and provide an accessible bump free sidewalk. Anything over 1/2 high has to be ramped very gently. To be ADA compliant, a 4 high speed hump would need a four foot wide up-slope, a five foot landing on top, then a four foot wide down-slope.
I don't think the Dentists really care, one way or another
suggest that I have never heard of pipe balancing but I have heard that some taps control the water flow by monitoring the water pressure.
It sounds like a pack rat. here is some info on them