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Is This Ignorant Or What?

Safety precautions on a iron used on shirts and pants lists the following safety precaution. Do not iron clothes while wearing them.


I would recommend this route: You'll have to do some footwork with your local government. Speed bumps must meet municipal codes. If not installed properly, they can have an impact on emergency services. Find out what the code is for speed bumps in your area. Too high, too abrupt, not properly marked, no advanced warning might be violations. Just because a government clerk says they don't have jurisdiction, that's not really true. They have jurisdiction on your property if you violate building codes. Same for the speed bump. If the speed bump does not meet code, that person can be violated and forced to pay for its removal. A sign of a good manager is to get someone else to do your work and pay for it.
No, the immune system works by itself, detecting whether there is something bad or good for the body. The brain doesn't know if there is anything wrong with the body until you start to get sick. Vaccinations for the swine flu were made when the swine flu hit the world before back in 1976. The vaccination was known to cause 25 deaths and several hundred gillian-barre syndrom cases. Vaccinations are not worth the money or the time. Our bodies are strong enough to fight off these diseases. All we need to do to help our bodies are to relax and drink lots of water. It's the easiest way to cure the swine flu.

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