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is this nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio?

magnetic susceptibilitybtw magnetic susceptibility - the degree of magnetization of a material in response to an applied magnetic field. ()


Hi, It’s an interval variable because the difference between two values is meaningful. As you probably know, a ratio variable has all the properties of an interval variable, but it has a definite 0.0 point. Magnetic susceptability is usually measured by seeing whether an induced current increases or decreases with the material serving as the magnetic core. Since magnetic susceptibility can be negative as well as positive, I suppose that, in theory, there must be some point at which the susceptibility is 0.0. So, in that sense it’s probably a ratio variable as well as an interval variable. I frankly think you’d be much better to post this in the physics forum. Although I’m an electrical engineer, I’ve been teaching college math for too long to remember all of that stuff about susceptibility. Sorry. formeng

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