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Israel, why did you kill US citizen Rachel Corrie 3/2003 with a bulldozer in Raffa, Gaza?

Why did you do it? Why haven't you investigated it and tried the soldier at the controls? Why Israel?


Got to love how anti Israel cranks work. He addresses ALL all Israelis or pro Israel people here with the label Israel (the country) and asks why did YOU? as if pro Israel people are somehow personally responsible for what he thinks happened. Rachel Corrie was killed for the same reason why if you stepped out into busy traffic and got run over by a car. You put yourself in a dangerous area and accidents can happen.
I hope this helps. Robert.
The Israeli who killed Rachel Corrie did so accidentally. He had no intention of running over another soul; however, Corrie had chained herself outside of his line of visibility. The bulldozers Israel uses are larger than normal and are armored, covering much of the windows. He wasn't negligent, and had no way of knowing she was there given those limitations. Investigations actually did happen, and the reason he was never tried is because those investigations did not conclude that he should be charged. From the accounts I've read, he's still feels awful for what had happened, so at least know it wasn't done out of malevolence. Simply, the investigation showed the entire event was misfortunate, but not the fault of the driver.
isrsel killed US citizen Rachel Corrie because she stood defending innocent Palestinian civilians ......She tried to stop the israeli military bulldozer from destroying the Palestinian civilians homes......the crime was committed and watched by israeli army God bless her soul.....
Nonsense. Israel always investigate such cases. A short look in Wikipedia and you'll find: The IDF produced a video about Corrie's death that includes footage taken from inside the cockpit of a D9. The video makes a credible case, wrote Joshua Hammer in Mother Jones, that the operators, peering out through narrow, double-glazed, bulletproof windows, their view obscured behind pistons and the giant scooper, might not have seen Corrie kneeling in front of them. In April 2011, during the trial of the civil suit brought by Corrie's parents, an IDF officer testified that Corrie and other activists had spent hours trying to block the bulldozers under his command. He went on to say that it was a war zone where Palestinian militants used abandoned homes as firing positions and exploited foreign activists for cover. He shouted over a megaphone for the activists to leave, tried to use tear gas to disperse them and moved his troops several times. To my regret, after the eighth time, (Corrie) hid behind an earth embankment. The D9 operator didn't see her. She thought he saw her, he said.[38] An infantry major later testified that the activists were endangering troops and had ignored numerous warnings to leave the area. Between September 2000 and the date of Corrie's death Israeli forces in the area had been subjected to 1,400 attacks involving gunfire, 150 involving explosive devices, 200 involving anti-tank rockets, and 6,000 involving hand grenades or mortar fire. No Israeli wanted her to die, but everybody knows that being in a war zone (it was a region with many explosives and terrorists) might be dangerous, and despite all the warnings she received, she decided to hide and make it harder for the D9 driver to see her.

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