I use burlap works great!.......oops ran out of burlap here so old sheets pillow cases no plastic! not good getting cold here in Ohio
Sheets or newspaper. Then take it off when it warms up in the morning. Plastic does not let the plant breathe.
I dont know where you live, but begonias get dug up and dried or protected in a frost free place in the winter where I live. Some hibiscus are hardy (and withstand real winters) and some can be a houseplant in the winter. If the pots are covered they will not get water, so give them a little bit. The best thing would be to protect both of them from frost, they may survive. Another tip for overwintering things that are hardy is to have plenty of soil around the roots. They have more insulation.
Depending on how tall the plant is... Low lying plants can take the plastic with bricks or rocks holding it down around the plants. If they are taller plants like foot-tall tomato plants (shame on you for planting this early, lol), then the absolute best thing I have found to use is upside down turned plant pots placed over top of the plants (screw into the soil about 1/8th or 1/2 inch deep so that no air gets in around the base. I have also used empty milk jugs with the lids and most of the top cut off. Just set over top of plants and push into soil a little bit. If your plants are too tall already and you don't have any empty containers big enough to comfortably hold the plant inside, most veggie and flower plants can stand a little stress (by cramming them (just LIL bit) into the pot). The right kind of Stress actually makes most plants stronger and more resilient to future stresses and/or diseases. Hope this helps.