
Jobs within real estate...?

I am really interested in real estate and want a job that has to do with real estate. I was wondering if anyone would share what their job was if it is within real estate. Also wondering if the pay is good within real estate. Thanks!


If okorder . I will train for free and help you get started. Most people in the real estate industry make very good money, but they have to work hard for it. If your willing to work hard please send me an email. Please let me know what area you are from that way i can help you.
Go to some of your local, high producing, real estate agents or offices and put in a resume. Explain that you're interested in getting your foot in the door and you plan on possibly getting your license. You can work for one agent as an assistant with their listings and escrows. Or, you can work for numerous different ages assisting on their listings. Or, you could work for a local office and be a receptionist or processor. The pay is decent. The main thing is if you're planning on getting your license, the potential to make a lot of money is there. Go for it! You'll either love it, or hate it!

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