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Joe McCarthy... Communist Crusher or Communist?

Okay, so Senator McCarthy was the biggest Commie-Smasher on planet Earth... Does anyone think that it's possible that all his Soviet Shredding was a cover-up to make people not think that he was a Communist? Maybe it was a cover-up because he WAS a Communist? I don't know... It's all a conspiracy... But what are your thoughts?


Neither. He was a power-hungry, tight-a**ed demagogue, bordering on Fascist. Right up there with J. Edgar Hoover, and Dick Dick Cheney. Karl Rove took lessons from his career as a Republican.
Neither. He crushed a number of people, but none were actually Communist. And Communism is the complete LACK of government. He was doing his foolishness to gain power in government, not equalize everybody. He was no Communist. And for the record, neither was Stalin. The reason I say Communism is the complete lack of government is because that is what it really was meant to be. NO government whatsoever. What the Soviet Union had was Fascism; they simply had a propaganda machine that insisted they were Communists. They were not.
Decrypted Project Verona soviet cables show that not only was McCarthy right, but he vastly underestimated the scale of the Russian control of our government. Clearly, he was not a communist, because he did real damage to soviet infiltration of our country. Joseph McCarthy was the youngest federal judge in history and a respected scholar. He is the godfather of Bobby Kennedy child, and JFK called him a great American patriot. Joesph McCarthy was a great American.
Politics are so interesting because, often fifty years after something happens, the real truth is finally disclosed. One recent example is the Venona Report. I, like most people, thought 1950s Joseph McCarthy was just on some ego witch hunt. However, it turns out our government had cracked the code the Soviets used to communicate with their operatives and sympathizers in the U.S.In most cases, McCarthy knew everything the person had done; he had all the transcripts and everything was meticulously documented. All these people who indignantly professed innocence were lying through their teeth and he knew it. Can you imagine how unbearably galling it must have been for him to have to listen to criticism from people who didn't know the real story? Even before the Venona Report and other documents were recently declassified, I suspected there was more to this story than what the Liberal media spoon fed us. For example, I could never understand why JFK praised McCarthy so highly. If he was the kind of opportunistic scumbag the media portrays him as, JFK's comments make no sense. But of course, JFK knew the real story, and now, so do you!
Neither. He double-crossed the Communist Party who backed his election campaign, but other than that, he was a dipshit, and asshole, a jerkoff, and a traitor, just like his friend Tricky D!ck.

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