We just installed a stainless steel electric stove, what is the best way to keep it clean and shiney?
I have a combo of black and stainless in my kitchen; not sure which one is worse some days. For normal everyday stuff, hot, soapy (Dawn), clean dishwater and a microfiber cloth work great. For quick touch ups, a 50/50 mixture of window cleaner and rubbing alcohol also works great. The window cleaner gets the grease and the alcohol helps with streaks and makes the cleaner germ killing. Use with a microfiber cloth. For really nasty burned on stuff, I'd use a sponge with a non-stick cookware safe nylon scrub pad on it and some of the hot, soapy water. Just lay the damp sponge on the spot, let it soak a bit and see if it comes off. If not, try a little Barkeeper's Friend. Dampen, sprinkle, smear it around a little and let it soak for about 10 minutes. Then scrub with the sponge. Wipe up the residue with the microfiber cloth. The microfiber cloths are really key; they wipe more efficiently than any sponge, wipe, paper towel, dish rag. Get several and change them out frequently. You just wash and dry them; no fabric softener and you're ready to use them again. And it wouldn't hurt to keep a protective coat of a good stainless steel product on there either. That helps keep the stuff from getting such a good hold. But I've found that most of those are pretty bad at cleaning; so clean it first, then polish.
How grimy is your range? I actually have a stainless range and all I do is discover a soapy sponge on it, with dish cleansing soap. I get rid of each and all of the knobs and burners approximately as quickly as a week (and every time I fry something and splatter oil everywhere, yet i attempt to disguise issues with foil as quickly as I fry to sidestep a multitude). It takes possibly 5 minutes to scrub my range because I shop it clean and not in any respect, ever use it if it has spills on it. i've got found out via the years to wipe issues up right now, or the spills get baked on and become very confusing to get rid of. My range is electrical powered, so I take off the electrical powered burners and gently wash those with a soapy sponge too (I carry them and rub the soapy sponge on them, then carry them below the faucet to rinse, without getting the plug in factor section moist). My range continues to be very clean this way, and that i take advantage of the rougher side of a non-scratch sponge for something that desires some scrubbing. in the experience that your range has undesirable stains caught on it, you ought to use very, very advantageous metallic wool on it. An SOS pad will paintings, do in basic terms no longer rub too problematic or you will take off the shine from the range. SOS pads are ok on each and all of the immaculate areas of the range. whilst completed washing it, take a humid dish towel and wipe each and all of the cleansing soap off, then dry the range and it will seem large.
A kitchen range finished in stainless steel looks professional and clean. Stainless steel stove requires a bit more cleaning than a traditional stove. Use an oil based product. Baby oil or WD40 are the products of choice for many people. You don’t want to put the oil directly onto the appliance, instead just pour some onto the cloth and wipe down the appliance. Routine maintenance on your stainless steel stove is the best way to keep the surface steel clean as well as scratch free.
Contact a sanitary supply company for a product to maintain stainless steel.