I unlocked my backdoor from the inside today, and when I locked te door and tried to remove the key I found that I could not remove it. I've tried pulling from all angles, jiggling it, twisting it, locking and relocking the door and yet nothing could free the key. Do you have any ideas on how to free it?
I have heard that the reason why Nick and Vicki didn't get a speed bump was because at the challenges the previous legs - there were errors made. Apparently they had the correct music and the guy was telling them it was wrong, and also on the potato challenge something happened. Someone else mentioned this on the amazing race community I am in. In season 14, Mark and Michael were also penalized for following the taxi. Even though we as viewers never saw that rule, it must be a rule that they read and/or signed when they agreed to be on the show. They might have not been sent to the villa because there are only 4 legs left. I believe there is one more non-elimination leg so it might not be worth the money to fly them to Mexico for a couple days until they have to pack up and then go to the final destination.
Seems lightning can create a sort of glass - this link even refers to the movie too (never ceases to amaze me how much information is on the Internet). Good luck.
Yes. I am a radio amateur and as such we are recommended to earth our antenna in case of lightning. But you can't do it directly because your antenna has to carry waves that are in counterweight of exactly that, the ground reference. A simple way to do it is to have a rod in the ground and a wire only a couple of milimeters from the rod. In case of a lightning hit, the tiny gap will be jumped by the extremely high voltage of the lightning bolt very easily. This is also what I have on the mast foot of my sailboat: A short jump wire to the keel bolt. An interesting thing about masts (or antenna, for the matter) is that if your mast is not earthed (to the sea!) if a lightning bolt is to hit the sea within a radius about the size of the mast, it will hit it. If the mast is earthed, it will be in a radius of one and half the size of the mast.