how much energy does a kilowatt solar panel produce in a year? (average)
Also you can look for INSOLATION TABLES on the Internet. Keep in mind, though, that the useful output of a solar system that produces AC will be somewhat less than the theoretical value. Local conditions, orientation of the modules, dust on modules, wire resistance losses and efficiency of inverters will drag down the true output. My 6 kW system produces just over 4 kW at optimum sun height.
You would be amazed how often I have answered this question. The answer is that it depends on your latitude and local weather . Let's see if I can give you enough information so that you can determine the answer for yourself. A kW solar panel is rated at kW when it is exposed to a solar flux of kW/m^2 (called a peak sun hour). There are readily available tables of effective peak sun hours per day by city (see Reference ). Let's use Fairbanks, AK as an example (it is the first line of the table). Fairbanks get an average of 3.99 of peak sun hours per day on average. So your panel would produce 3.99 kW*hr per day on average.