How can I stop my cat from chewing wires? He does it all the time, and the wire he ends up being important.
Get yourself a little spray bottle/squirt gun and spray him when he bites on the wires. hopefully that will condition him not to do that....I have 2 cats that both chew on wires and that worked on the first one, but not so much the 2nd yet.
Buy some cable trunking to protect electrical wires or smear them with either eucalyptus or citrus scented essential oil. (Cats dislike the smell and it's usually an effective deterrent). I don't know how old your kitten is, but they usually start teething at around 4 months old and generally have all their adult teeth by the time they are 6 months old. Teething is pretty painful, so they tend to chew on things to relieve the pain. You can buy him soft rubber toys to chew. Alternatively, take a clean face cloth, knot it, dampen it with water and then put it in the freezer to chill. Chewing on something cool will help soothe inflamed gums. (Same principle as those gel teething rings for babies that you can put in the freezer).
I have a cat who is petrified of wires - she too chewed them when she was a kitten, and each time she did I would creep up on her and then shout 'bang!' really loud. She soon learned that chewing wires = scary loud noise and stopped. It does mean though, if ever there is a wire anywhere, now, she won't go anywhere near it. If there's one she doesn't know about and gets too close before suddenly noticing it, she shoots up into the air like a skyrocket......perhaps we went a bit overboard on the scaring her things when she chewed them, but we were more scared of her electrocuting herself than being afraid of a few wires! So, if you want him to stop, that's what you've got to do! To everyone saying spray water - did you not learn about water and electricity in school?!!!!
Kittens in particular are very curious and play with everything that comes in their way. Remember that they are inexperienced like toddlers and try everything at least once. Make your home as kitten-proof as possible. Problem Keep an eye on kittens when they are young and very inquisitive. Dangling cords are particular attracting to them and dangerous if chewed through. Electric shock can be the result. Solution ? Put something distasteful on the cord to discourage chewing ? Tabasco sauce, cayenne pepper, bitter apple/orange, orange/lemon peel, commercial repellents ? Gaffer’s tape (available in diy stores) will probably work if the substances don't ? Secure exposed cords ? Consider permanent wiring if you own your place
If you find a good answer, please let me know. I have a 4 year old cat- still doing that - and they are also very important wires. You think they would be electrocuted-especillay when they are plugged in- but he is still ticking strong and chewing! Computer wires, radio antennas, headphone wires- its crazy! He also chews on plants- I wish I knew what to do! Good luck with an answer!