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Lady Gaga Heeless Boots?!!?

I have noticed those great heels lady gaga has, the ones with the FRONT heel! I'm asking if anybody knows how or were I can get instruction on how to make them? Any suggestions??


the ones I've seen have a part that sticks out of the platform to help balance, otherwise it would be like trying to tiptoe all day Instructions on how to make them? Shoe-building is no easy task, or else everyone would make their own shoesThat being said, it would be easiest to find a heeled shoe that fits the profile you desireThen modify it to Gaga styleA shoe's heel is meant to hold weightWith the Gaga sole-heel/heel-less shoe, the place where you put your heel still has to hold weightBut it does not have the support of a column (heel) directly underneath it to hold that weightTherefore, the load-bearing ability is engineered into the section where you place your heel and integrated into the sole properThe only way to do this without an engineering degree or tons of trial and error, is to simply use a strong material, like aluminum, bent to the shape of the bottom of the shoe (after you remove the heel.) It would be best to bend this material out of 3/16 minimum aluminum flat stock, about 5 wideAfter this, cut the shape of each (left and right) side from the bent flat stockI choose this size cuz you can't bend it under your own weightAfter this is adhered via screws or epoxy, the next task is to add the Gaga soles onto the aluminumIf you don't have the ability to bend aluminum, you can reinforce the arch by laminating layers of fiberglassI would go up to 1/4 if you do that, unless you really know your fiberglassAfter that, add the Gaga soleThe sole can be carved from any type of material and then cast in rubberBut if you don't know how to make molds, you might as well just make them out of stacks of wood, and carve then into shapeYou can rough out each layer with a saw, and finish it off on a belt sanderSmear it with black epoxyLet it dry and resand itThen paint it with black oil paint and call it a dayGood luck
deez nuts are delicious bby guuuurl.
DaVinci was a polymathArtistic creativity was an element of his mindArtists are bornTheir soul and mind compels them to do artThey are motivated by the mindHis major contribution was in artHis scientific, engineering, and medical investigations outpaced the times he lived inHe was way ahead of his time.
He was a thinker who and drew sketches of a flying machine much like a helicopter and many other modern day inventionsDa Vinci was also an artist who painted many famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa and the Last SupperA fun fact: he was left handed and wrote from the right to left.
Leonardo Da Vinci Contributions

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