
Lathe C6140 meaning

Lathe C6140 meaning


Floor and ordinary lathe in the meaning of the second digit: 0 for the floor lathe, 1 for the ordinary lathe, 2 for the saddle lathe, 3 for the screw without lathe, 4 for the chuck, 5 for the spherical lathe.
And ordinary lathe, 7 said multi-knife and profiled lathe, 8 said wheel, shaft, ingot, roller and shovel lathe, 9 said other lathe.
The meaning of the first digit of the lathe, 0 for instrument lathe, 1 for single-axis automatic lathe, 2 for multi-axis automatic semi-automatic lathe, 3 for hexagonal lathe, 4 for crankshaft and camshaft lathe, 5 for vertical lathe,

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