laws on food safety and sanitation?
Absolutely. It is a safer substitute than molten zinc, and can even be used in gyratory crushers! You will experience a minimal amount of filler settlement, so take care. Also keep it well away from any threaded parts.
Use a quality pipe dope such as LeakLock, TrueBlue, or BlueBlock pipe dope. They are far superior to a lot of the common pipe dope. White Teflon should never be used because petroleum products, natural gas propane will eat through it. There is a yellow gas approved Teflon tape that is available, but I'd steer clear of it. Make sure you clean the threads well (I use 1/2 fitting brushes) use sufficient hangars to prevent it from moving. Inspectors in Massachusetts require 5psi for testing. Use 2 pipe wrenches ( hangars) to prevent fittings that had already been assembled from moving. Allow the joints to set for 15 minutes before applying air pressure. For 1/2 pipe, a 24 wrench is overkill. I'd use two 16 wrenches, but I could use 12-24 if I didn't have them on the job. Make sure you don't apply more than 1/2 psi of pressure to the appliance or internal damage could occur.