LED desk lamp, very bright, when buy later with more and more dark
May be there is a LED lamp bead the leakage fault happens, the first thought that all leds are connected in parallel, and then string a current limiting resistor, so if there is a leakage, the overall current will increase, lead to partial pressure increases, resistor LED voltage drop, when the LED thoroughly after short circuit, all the LED all the electricity, so there is no light. Although the LED life is very long, but in fact, the life of the LED and no imagination in so long, especially high brightness tube, electrostatic breakdown them easily.
Rechargeable table lamp is power off. Perhaps others with bad throw to sell goods pick up on sale. Second hand.
Not mass, domestic import LED with diode is also good, domestic doesn't (work well)
Droop, poor quality, I bought for my daughter, with more than a year didn't meet this problem, is pili brand