Led display speed how to tune
All need to display the data are ready, the "send" button to send data, select the need to send the frame and set the starting address, the point can be sent
If you need to display the time / temperature, select the "Show time / temperature" option, and then click the "Time / Temperature Settings" button to pop up the following dialog box to set the time, temperature display format, color, font size, display length.
When installing the LED bar screen software, enter the text that needs to be displayed in the blue edit box. After the text editing is finished, click "Frame Properties" to pop up the following dialog box to set the frame properties. Display speed 1 fastest, 16 slowest. After setting the current frame, you can point to "previous frame" or "next frame" to move to another frame. After all the parameters of the frame are set, click the "Exit" button to return to the main window.